The Scriptures are verbally inspired by God, without error in their original writings, and of supreme and final authority for what we believe and how we live.
In one God, eternally existent in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe in God’s sovereignty, love and grace in the works of creation, providence, revelation, redemption and final judgment.
In God the Father who sent his Son to accomplish our salvation.
In Jesus Christ, Son of the Father, virgin born, true God, and true man.
In God the Holy Spirit, who is divine and the agent of our salvation.
All people are created in God’s image. All have sinned incurring physical and spiritual death resulting in separation from God. All are born with a sinful nature, expressed in thought, word, and deed.
Jesus Christ died for our sins, as our representative and substitute, and by faith we are justified on the basis of His shed blood.
Jesus Christ rose from the dead, ascended to heaven, and is presently engaged as our High Priest.
Jesus Christ will personally return to claim His own people and to establish His kingdom.
All who receive Jesus Christ by faith are born again of the Holy Spirit, becoming children of God, sealed and preserved until our completed redemption.
The New Testament local church is made up of believers, associated together for worship, instruction and the service of the Lord Jesus.
In Christian baptism by immersion and The Lord’s Supper.
Marriage was instituted by God at creation as a permanent, monogamous, heterosexual union. Children are a blessing from God and are to be reared by godly example and biblical training.